LTEN members have access to hundreds of past LTEN Focus on Training magazine articles, Bonus Focus posts, on-demand webinars, recorded videos, industry and benchmark studies, and conference resources. This is literally a wealth of knowledge, best practices and smart ideas all at your fingertips!
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Industry & Benchmark Studies
Get unlimited, free access to proven research and marketing insights on virtual training, medical training, learning technology, gamification, compensation, market access training, onboarding, and more. Download resources for strategic planning – Research Digests and Benchmark Reports.
If you need additional support, LTEN offers courses and conferences designed specifically for training professionals across pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and diagnostics space.
Looking for more resources? We have hundreds of on-demand webinars and articles covering nearly every aspect of L&D and leadership.
LTEN webinars bring global thought leaders and life science training experts right to your desk with trends, case studies and practical skill-building information. All webinars are free and open to all.
LTEN members can view any of our past webinars at any time. There are literally hundreds to choose from, and on just about any topic related to training, adult learning principles, leadership and more.
Videos & Workshops
LTEN members can access dozens of videos featuring training leader insights, a handful of specifically selected LTEN conference full-length workshops and LTEN Talks.
Conference Handouts & Slides
Whether you attended a past LTEN Annual Conference or missed the big event, all LTEN members can access the valuable materials from this treasure trove.
Know what’s better than viewing the slides and handouts? Going to the conference! Check out the LTEN Annual Conference to get your full access pass and experience the nation’s largest life sciences training conference and exhibition first-hand.