Each year, dozens of LTEN members and partners contribute to the LTEN Focus On Training magazine and BonusFocus. They share their triumphs, strategies and perspectives in hopes of helping fellow life sciences training professionals and educators tackle some of their biggest challenges.
It goes without saying that 2020 was a remarkable year with high drama and massive change in nearly every facet of work and personal life. Read some of this year’s most read articles, ranging from global training, leadership development, virtual facilitation, field force development and top strategies for staying nimble for into 2021.
Novartis Creating a Coaching Culture for Leaders
Alison Pulte, Dale Snyder, Tyler Kunkel and Mark Osborne
Moving to Virtual: 3 Keys to Success
Cindy Huggett, CPLP
Biogen: Creating a Team Effectiveness Approach
Liz McLean
The 2020 Winners: Honoring Innovation & Excellence
Tim Sosbe
Best Practices for New Trainer Onboarding
Pam Marinko and KC Warner
Amgen: Focusing on Field-Force Effectiveness
Laura Last
Localizing Learning: The ‘Now Normal’
Timothy Kingsford
Keys to Virtual Engagement
Amy Glass
Increasing Accessibility in the Virtual Workplace
Andria Cox
L&D and the Talent Shortage
Josh Bersin