The Gaylord Texan: Going Back Where LTEN Began
Conference Venue – By Tim Sosbe
Five years ago this summer, in June 2014, something special happened at the Gaylord Texan, a beautiful resort in Grapevine, TX, just outside Dallas.
It was at this hotel that hundreds of members of SPBT, the Society of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Trainers, walked into a ballroom for the opening session of the SPBT Annual Conference. A short while later, SPBT no longer existed, and those hundreds of people left the ballroom as members of LTEN, the Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network.
This year, LTEN returns to the scene of that transformation, as the 48th LTEN Annual Conference kicks off June 3 at the Gaylord Texan. No name changes this time, just another record-breaking gathering of life sciences training professionals, with an agenda that includes mainstage presentations, workshops, networking, the Learning Village exhibit hall, receptions and community-building activities.
As you make your plans to join your LTEN friends and colleagues at the Gaylord Texan, enjoy these pictures, including ones from the 2014 conference. If you were with us when SPBT became LTEN, it’s a nice trip down memory lane. If you’ve joined LTEN since then, it’ll give you a flavor of what lies ahead at this year’s event.
We’ll see you soon, deep in the heart of Texas!