Key Skills Needed to Align with 2022 Trends

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

  There are many trends impacting the healthcare market and not the least of them is constant disruption and change. Much of this is due to the increasing number of...

Maximize Every Engagement by Upskilling for Success

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Influencing communication depends on knowing how to craft a scientific conversation that identifies what drives a decision. Regardless of an individual’s receptivity or demeanor, opportunities to move relationships into a...

Digital Skills Training – You’re Doing it Wrong!

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Digital Skills Training – You’re Doing it Wrong! Anyone tasked with improving performance and job satisfaction needs to help their people boost digital skills.  After all, employees now spend up...

Wellbeing Rx: The Medicine of Connection

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Wellbeing Rx Series (Click on webinar title to register for other sessions in the series.) March 11, 2022 - 12:30 p.m.-1:00 p.m. ET - The Medicine of Connection May 20,...

Inspire, Balance and Empower: Leadership for a Hybrid World

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Inspire, Balance and Empower: Leadership for a Hybrid World The hybrid environment is our new normal. What skills do leaders need to not only survive leading in a pandemic but...

Improving In-Field Performance with Training Insight

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

What if you could tie representative learning and engagement scores to sales performance scores? What if you could identify the behaviors of your A players and replicate their success in...

[Webinar] Creating a Modern Measurement Strategy

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Friday, April 8 12:30 p.m. ET/9:30 a.m. PT 60 minutes Most learning & development departments have a learning strategy, but many struggle with creating a comprehensive measurement strategy. They particularly...

How to Lead Effectively in a Post-COVID World

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

How to Lead Effectively in a Post-COVID World The last two years of COVID challenges have a created a new paradigm for leading effectively.  During this time of the Great...

Coaching Reps to Help Them Find Their Stride

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Coaching Reps to Help Them Find Their Stride Recently, there has been a lot of emphasis on the selling skills needed to adapt to the expectations of today’s healthcare buyer....

Overcoming Market Challenges to Customer Engagement

ONLINE ONLY - LTEN Event , United States

Overcoming Market Challenges to Customer Engagement Challenges abound for your customers in 2022, adding even more complexity to an already demanding sales environment. With a well-designed, up-to-date training curriculum, you...