I am honored to celebrate the LTEN staff and all our volunteers
Directions – Dawn Brehm

Lauren Harbert
LTEN is a wheel that’s turned by both staff and volunteers. Both are critical to the success and growth that keeps the wheel turning as it should.
As an LTEN staff member, I have been fortunate to work with many talented volunteers, all passionate people who give their time to LTEN freely, and with a small staff, who work tirelessly to bring the LTEN offerings and resources to members.
This month, as I step away from writing Directions, I am honored to celebrate the LTEN staff and our volunteers.
Let me start with staff. LTEN has welcomed a new executive director, Lauren Harbert, to lead the LTEN team. Lauren has supported LTEN in the CFO role through my tenure with LTEN, and we’ve worked hand in hand the entire time. Her dedication to LTEN, her talents as a team member and her business savvy will guide LTEN into the future.
If you haven’t met Lauren before, I know you’ll enjoy the chance to connect. Lauren has spent more than 13 years working in the nonprofit sector and most recently was vice president of operations for CMR Institute, a longstanding partner to LTEN.
When she’s not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and pups. She resides on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia with her husband, Guy, and two children, Sophie and Bodie.
Feel free to welcome Lauren at lharbert@L-TEN.org.
Now let’s go back to the volunteers, and a few special contributors. The strategic direction for our network is set by the LTEN Board of Directors. Our board is dedicated to listening to our members and bringing their needs to the table. As I wrap up my time with you here, I’d like to celebrate the legacy of two board members who are retiring from their careers as life sciences learning professionals.
Mark Osborne has been a volunteer leader at LTEN for more than 25 years –that’s nearly half of our network’s existence. Mark served as a past president when LTEN was SPBT (the Society of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Trainers).
Mark’s influence on the LTEN organization reaches far and wide, most recently being part of the committee that grew the Learning Executive Series offerings for learning executives from a single yearly event to a yearlong platform of resources.
Carol Wells has served on the LTEN board for 19 years and led the board as president. Carol was instrumental in the evolution from SPBT to LTEN, reaching further and deeper into the life sciences arena to support training professionals. That vision was a key to the growth the organization has experienced.
Carol was also a driving force in the expansion of memberships to include our supplier partners as full members. In addition, Carol brought to the LTEN Annual
Conference the speed coaching experience many of you have enjoyed. It’ll be back again this year when we gather at #LTEN2023, June 12-15 in Phoenix. Register to join us!
This barely touches on the influences both Mark and Carol have had on LTEN and the life sciences learning discipline. I know many of you like me have seen them as mentors, leaders and, most importantly, friends. We’re all better for having worked alongside them.
Congratulations on your retirement from corporate life, Carol and Mark! We in the LTEN community look forward to being part of the next chapter in your lives.
Volunteers, staff and, of course, members: Like the closely connected parts of a wheel, we are all in this together. And together LTEN is a driving force advancing global life sciences learning.
Dawn Brehm is executive consultant for LTEN. Email Dawn at dbrehm@L-TEN.org.