With so much at stake, we have to advance our skills
This is the time of year we start thinking about performance. For lots of different reasons.
For one, we’ve just gone through the latest championship season. The Super Bowl is over (my KC Chiefs won two in a row!), the Final Four is wrapping up and all the entertainment industry people have honored one another. We’ve made it through another performance season.
Closer to home, spring is the time when we solidify our plans for this year and beyond. Our people are in place and the year is sufficiently kicked off with national sales meeting season. We’re in build-and-deliver mode now and our performance needs to be top-notch at all levels.
It’s also conference season for LTEN. We’re now about two months away from the 53rd LTEN Annual Conference and the 10th LTEN Excellence Awards, where performance is recognized. This year we’ve expanded the awards categories to spotlight people, partnerships, process and programs – all the elements of great performance in life sciences training.
I’m thinking about performance. Your performance. My performance. My team and company’s performances. Our customers’ performance. Their patients’ all-important performance. This is about much more than getting a trophy for your shelf.
With such high stakes, there’s only one thing we can do with performance – level up. That’s a phrase you’re going to hear a lot this year, as we coalesce many of our offerings and opportunities around that concept.
“Level up” means to progress up a step (or more). It’s a term borrowed from gaming, but there’s a lot more to that concept. When we level up, we learn new things, we grow our potential, we advance our careers.
Leveling up also means to remove disparities, to bring equal footings for others. We do that for people too; when we’re performing at our peak, we create opportunities.
It’s about people reaching their potential, growing their professional footprints, being more successful on the job and creating outcomes that literally save lives.
I hope I’m going to see you all in Kissimmee, Fla., this June 10 to 13 for #LTEN2024. Level Up is the theme of this year’s event, and we’re doing exactly that – we’re kicking everything up a gear. We’ll have new opportunities to network, new ways to engage attendees, new awards, new learning lab space and, perhaps most excitingly, a new way to wrap it all up.
You can find more information at www.LTENconference.com, but here’s a sneak peek at something exciting: Thursday morning (June 13) will be a first-time-ever event with the entire general session dedicated to today’s hottest topic: artificial intelligence. Not just a review of what AI is, but how we can use it to level up our game and take our performance to new heights.
You’re not going to want to miss the chance to level up yourself (and your team)and to meet the partners who can give you that lift.
See you in Kissimmee!
Greg Adamson is president of the LTEN Board of Directors and executive director, sales training, for Olympus Americas. You can reach out to Greg via email at greg.adamson@olympus.com or through www.linkedin.com/in/greg-adamson-9b85ba7/.